Samstag, 25. Oktober 2008


´Frankenstein or the Post-Modern Prometheus!´
Autor: Klos, Alexandra K;
Alexandra Karoline Marion Klos, also known as ´Brisk Hand´, was born in Nuremberg, germany, and spent her academic career studying the Language and Lterature of English, French, and Spanish at the Justus-Liebig-University in Giessen, Germany. A bookworm since her childhood, she is making her passion her profession. Alexandra is currently editing, translation and most ardently, writing books herself. What would the world be without books. Alexandra K.M. Klos can´t image such a world. To read a book is marvellous, to write a book, well, a term still neads to be created that is capable of expressing this utmost of all feeling …


Auf meinem Tageskalender stand:
Vier Dinge sind es, die nicht zurückkommen
das gesprochene Wort,
der abgeschossene Pfeil,
das vergangene Leben und
die versäumte Gelegenheit.
Ich schreibe es in mein Tagebuch, weil es mir so gut gefällt!
Alles Gute wünscht DIR

Hallo Welt!

Bücher sind mein Leben. Bücher und meine ´Freu(n)de´. Wir lernen lesen – wir lernen lebenslang für unser Leben.